Dose for Excel 3.6
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Dose for Excel 3.6

Manipulates the data in Excel based on more than 100+ tools
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3.6.6 See all
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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11.1 MB

Comprehensive as Microsoft Excel is, the most popular spreadsheet software tool lacks certain functions that those who use it regularly would love to see implemented in their favorite spreadsheet package. Dose for Excel tries to diminish Excel’s shortages by adding row and column deleting, merging, and splitting capabilities; a row to column converter, a date picker, and a number of similar utilities that will make you want to use Excel again.

Dose integrates so easily and seamlessly with Excel that it makes you feel it has always been there. It will appear on the Excel top menu as one more of its many options, and will display all its functionality in a ribbon that perfectly resembles those of Excel itself. Dose for Excel’s functionality is divided into sections – Rows and Columns, Text, Fill, View, Format, Filter, Worksheets, Backup, etc. The first section will allow you to get rid of specific rows and columns in one single operation without having to locate them first. You can delete empty or identical rows and columns, those with a specific value or with at least one empty cell, in the active sheet, in all sheets, etc. You can also merge cell, row, and column values into a new cell, row, or column, respectively, without having to re-type all that information again, or pick the multiple values on a cell and put them into different cells automatically.

In the Text section, you’ll also find tools to remove specific characters from selected strings and cells, change their case, or perform a number of useful tasks to the comments attached to the cells. To help you fill your spreadsheet, Dose for Excel can insert dates on the selected cells, insert characters or strings before or after existing values, and even generate new values in a random fashion in rows, columns, and matrices. The program can also help you customize the way you view your spreadsheets, converting rows into columns, or highlighting the rows and columns you wish to check.

These are only what I consider the highlights of this tool, but there are more, like the Export sheet option, the Import file names function, and its extremely useful Backup functionality, to make sure that none of your spreadsheets is ever lost.

Dose for Excel makes working with spreadsheets a completely different game. It does improve the way users work with large spreadsheets and extensive lists of data, making cell, column, and row management a much more rewarding and pleasant experience.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Integrates seamlessly as a new Excel tab and ribbon
  • Extensive set of new functionality
  • Useful time-saving features
  • Excel spreadsheet bakcups
  • Makes your work with rows and columns easier


  • No drawbacks found

Comments (10)

53 votes
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Sandy Torres
It provides the necessary functions that every Excel user needs, excellent addin.

19 days ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Amanda Nueyr
Best tools for Excel, save my time even though I did not try all of its functions.

Apr 3, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply
rating Mike Paterson
I installed this addin to remove text and keep numbers from a huge worksheet cells, and it did a great job with no time. It's totally recommended program for frequent Excel users.

Feb 29, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(4) no(0) | Reply

